Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Never take for granted the beauty of electricity.

Here's a story: Yesterday it was quite warm here. Some rain, but the temp was 49 degrees at four o'clock. Than the wind came. Sharp, biting, and cold. The temps dropped, and by nine at night it was five degrees, with a wind chill of ten to fifteen below. That rain froze up everywhere, and it also turned to snow.

After midnight, our power went out. Frustrating, because one block either way still had power, as did the people right across the street. With temps below zero outside, inside began to drop. My oldest boy is battling a rough cough. I just got over being sick, and my wife just started. Not to mention we have a three month old baby here. I called the power company and found out we had a few hours before power returned. So we had to abandon our home at two in the morning for my Mom's house. I know how a pirate captain feels, and it ain't good. Not to mention the quick temp drop meant I had to chisel my way into my car while that wind blew me to hell.

The baby was awesome. Never woke up. Took awhile to get Jude to sleep. The wife and I slept on Mom's couches, barely, not feeling right in a strange environment. Finally, at six we went back home and the power was back on.

Never take for granted the beauty of electricity.


hoosiertoo said...

Been there; done that. Ice storm took us out for 2 weeks a few years back.

It sucked.

A lot.

Crystal Lynn said...

A few years ago my brother in VA got nailed by "Isabell", and they were down for over 2 weeks. I shipped them everything...propane grills, lamp oil, sterno, food. He now has "the box" with everything for such occasions.

Our next purchase is going to be a small generator, as least we can power a small heater. We have emergency radios and a battery TV and one regular plug in the wall phone...those cordless ones are useless with no power.

Our whole town was out last night.

Just glad you were safe and warm.